Monday, July 27, 2015

fpga design resources

From Ref[3], XILINX's Vivado does not support older FPGA devices, only 7 series FPGAs. ISE still support old FPGAs.

From Ref[4], XILINX ISE is supported on windows 7 and windows 2008 R2 well. On windows 8.1, need to do some file renaming to make it work.

Ref[5] contains a book and source codes for ZYNQ 7000 all programmable SOC. It provides tutorials to do HW design using Vivado 2014.1.

Ref[6] contains some design and tutorials on HDL design using Vivado.

1. How To Program an FPGA With Xilinx ISE Webpack In Verilog or VHDL
2. Digilent Basys2 Xilinx Spartan 3E FGPA 100K Development Kit from Amazon

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